Examination & Promotions
In line with the Education Policy of the CBSE, education will be a continuous course of study. As such, the performance of the students will be reviewed throughout the year by conducting tests and examinations. Thus assessment will be a continuous process, and will not be confined to the term end examination alone.
If any student is found lacking the ability to cope with the workload of the succeeding class he or she will be allowed to repeat one more year in the same class. If a student, even after spending two years in one class, remains unfit to take up the next higher class, he or she will be removed from the rolls.
Promotions are based on the average of the six exams conducted throughout the year and the annual exam, and with due consideration of one’s character and discipline.
Promotions of the students who have absented themselves from the Annual Examination is based on the following criteria:
- The student should have performed well in the averages.
- The Principal and the teachers concerned are confident that the student will be able to cope with the next class.
- Leave on Medical certificate / Exemption should have been sanctioned by the Principal.
- While deciding the fitness of a student for the next class, apart from the academic performance, the personality development also will be taken into account.